Thursday, January 19, 2006


The music that i am involved in making has been referred to in the past as 'sleazey' or 'Porn Music' (obviousely not all of it!). There are few things that bring 'sleaze' to mind more than neon.
Neon Mojo.
Picture by RougeMooj.
'P. Kenny on stage, WA1, 2005'

Monday, January 16, 2006

Blues. Scenery by God, Picture by RougeMooj.


Something about time, something about distance and something about a journey.

I took this picture using my camera phone, not thinking i was taking anything more than a snap, i got this. I cant describe how this picture makes me feel, i can spend ages looking at it and into it. Thankyou to my good friends Lindsey and Brian for allowing me to take this picture of their twin boys Tyler and Pacey.

Sometimes, drink and dirt.

Drying in the heat of a Summer sun, i gently remove myself from the reality of this dirty life - eternally yours, soaked.


I saw this in a museum in Tunisia, its a roman tapestry looking remarkably like graffiti. Pretty cool.
This is my finest work to date. A combination of poetry, song and original creation, i call this piece 'Cohen I. X. Leonard.

Performance Posted by Picasa


I looked at this picture of myself and thought that perhaps the body and the soul are trying desperately to free themselves from each other. The body to earth and the soul to its next go round. Perhaps a defeat.